Indiana Fungicide Services

If your lawn has small clusters of round, straw-colored, sunken patches of grass, you’re likely dealing with a fungus called Sclerotinia homoeocarpa — better known as dollar spot. Dollar spot fungus is common in Indiana. This lawn disease attacks leaf tissues, making grass weaker, causing discoloration and reducing overall health.

At Ricci’s Landscape Management (RLM), we have extensive experience providing lawn fungicide services that prevent dollar spot fungus. We’ll help you keep your lawn free from this destructive element through a series of treatments designed to help you get a healthier, greener and stronger lawn.

Experienced Lawn Fungus Prevention

The RLM Dollar Spot Fungus Preventative Program is a process that prevents fungal outbreaks by inhibiting growth. We apply treatments throughout dollar spot season, a period that runs from late spring to late fall.

With this service, an expert will come out on five separate occasions to apply specialized contact and systemic fungicides. These products work to stop dollar spot and other fungal species from flourishing and damaging your lawn.

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How to Identify Dollar Spot Fungus

Dollar spot fungus affects just about all grasses, but it’s especially problematic for ryegrasses, bluegrasses, bentgrasses, bermudagrasses, fescues and zoysiagrasses. It’s one of the most recognizable grass diseases due to the small tan spots it leaves on the lawn.

Dollar spot spores can spread on the wind, through water, on your shoes, from landscaping equipment and via infected plant matter, like grass clippings. There are several common reasons why Indiana lawns get infected:

  • Improper watering: Dollar spot is more likely to form in humid environments and can survive all summer long. If you’re watering too much or not enough, you could help create the perfect breeding ground for lawn fungus to develop. Evaluate your watering schedule.
  • Poor grass health: When grass is healthy, it’s better prepared to fight lawn diseases like dollar spot. To help keep yours in the best shape, ensure you’re mowing regularly and at the right height. You’ll also want to fertilize your lawn so it gets all the nutrients it needs.
  • Wet weather: Extended periods of wet weather and heavy morning dews put lawns at risk when these conditions aren’t balanced with adequate sunlight. While you can’t control the weather, you can aerate your lawn to improve moisture penetration and allow airflow deeper down.

The Importance of Lawn Fungus Prevention

Fungus prevention is an investment in your lawn’s look and longevity. Dollar spot survives in the winter, and there’s no known cure other than to remove your grass and start over. Having us take care of your lawn maintenance and fungus prevention services will be much easier than dealing with an outbreak.

At Ricci’s Landscape Management, we have over two decades of experience providing lawn fungicide services to the local area. Our business uses a proven system to prevent lawn diseases. We will also help improve your defenses by developing a professional lawn maintenance plan around your landscape’s needs.

Get Northwest Indiana Fungicide Services for Your Lawn

Prevent fungus from growing on your lawn, and you’ll enjoy a more attractive and healthier yard. If you own a home or business in Northwest Indiana, contact us today to discuss lawn fungus prevention with our program.

Please use our contact form to get in touch, or dial 219-996-2682.

502 Norbeh Drive
Hebron, IN 46341

Business Hours:
Weekdays: 8am - 4pm
Weekends: Closed

PHONE: 219.996.2682
FAX: 219.996.2680



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